Meet the Team

The director and representatives operate as missionaries, and do not collect compensation from Bearing Precious Seed. If you would like to have them visit your church, please contact us.

  • Tim Carpenter

    Tim grew up in a Christian family at Wyldewood Baptist Church. At the age of 13, he began to develop an insterest in the printing ministry. After graduating from Bible college in 2001, Tim began working full-time with Bearing Precious Seed in Oshkosh, WI. He and his wife Star, have 6 children.
  • Joe Pagano

    Joe & Jendi Pagano grew up in Christian families in Pennsylvania. In 2019, they felt the Lord leading them to full time ministry, and in 2022, the Paganos became representatives of BPS. Joe helps maintain the equipment and building, and Jendi works on the media and marketing. They have 3 children.
  • Jeff Christian

    Jeff was raised in a Catholic home and was saved when he was 21. Helen grew up in a Christian home. They served on staff at Wyldewood Baptist Church before God called them to serve in Belarus for 20 years. In 2023, Jeff and Helen transitioned to Bearing Precious Seed. Jeffrey is the youngest of their 5 children, and he helps every week in the print shop.
  • Rebekah Longsine

    Financial Secretary
    Rebekah helps us be good stewards of what has been sent to us by keeping track of all the numbers.
  • Alyssa Espersen

    Floor Manager
    Alyssa volunteers her time every week to help the other volunteers assemble scriptures. We are very grateful for her help.
  • You

    Suporters / Volunteers / Prayer Warriors
    This ministry would not be possible without the help of many people, and we praise God for each one of you!

History of Bearing Precious Seed
a scripture publishing & distribution ministry
in Oshkosh, Wisconsin

When God moves in a man’s heart and he decides to follow God,
truly remarkable things happen. In 1961, Dr. Don Fraser became burdened to see God’s word published by local churches.

Dr. Don Fraser soon shared his
burden with Carlos Demarest. For decades, Dr. Demarest preached on reaching the world with God’s Word. At one of his meetings in Green Bay, Wisconsin, Jim and Monica Hoffman were moved by the Holy Spirit.

Jim Hoffman surrendered to full-time ministry on July 31, 1977. After attending a Bible institute in Delaware for two years, Jim founded the Scripture Publishing Ministry of Wyldewood Baptist Church in Oshkosh, Wisconsin.

At the age of 13, Tim Carpenter began to develop an interest in the printing ministry. After graduating from Bible college in 2001, Tim and Star began working full-time with Bearing Precious Seed in Oshkosh, WI; and in 2018, Tim became the director of the ministry.

Joe Pagano joined as a representative in 2022.

Building project to expand

Jeff Christian joined 2023.